250+ Baptism Instagram Captions, Copy-Paste

Baptism is a special occasion that deserves to be celebrated and remembered. Capturing those memorable moments with photos and captions on Instagram allows you to share the joy with friends and family. Finding the perfect Instagram caption can be challenging though.

The caption needs to express the significance of the event, your thoughts and emotions, or even a Bible verse or quote about baptism. To help you out, we’ve compiled 250+ Instagram captions perfect for baptism photos!

Whether you’re looking for something touching, biblical, or witty, this list has captions suitable for kids, adults, friends, and families. We have included captions about new beginnings, love, faith, God’s blessings, and more.

Our list makes it easy to find the ideal caption to mark your baptism and share your faith online. Keep reading for baptism Instagram captions to bless your Instagram feed!

Baptism Instagram Captions

  1. 🌊 Blessed by baptismal waters, a new chapter begins. 🙏
  2. 🕊️ Embraced by grace, baptized in love. Forever changed. 🌟
  3. 🌈 Baptized and born anew, a journey of faith unfolds. 🌟
  4. 🕊️ Dipped in divinity, rising in faith. Baptism joy! ⛪
  5. 🌟 A sprinkle of faith, a deluge of grace – baptized and blessed. 🙌
  6. 🌊 Immersed in faith, emerging with a soul reborn. 🕊️
  7. 🌟 Baptized in love, surrounded by heavenly grace. 🕊️
  8. 🙏 A drop of faith, a sea of blessings – baptized and blissful. 🌊
  9. 🌟 From the font of faith, a baptized soul rises. Blessed journey ahead. ⛪
  10. 🕊️ Drenched in divinity, baptized in joy. Faith forever ignited. 🌟
  11. 🙏 Submerged in sacred waters, emerged with a spirit anew. ⛪
  12. 🌊 Baptized in the light of love, forever guided from above. 🌟
  13. 🕊️ From water to grace, a baptismal embrace. Blessed and reborn. 🌟
  14. 🙌 Immersed in faith, baptized in hope – a soul’s transformation. 🌈
  15. 🌟 Splashed with blessings, baptized with love. Grateful and renewed. 🕊️
  16. 🌊 Submerged in sacred waters, emerged with a spirit renewed. 🙏
  17. 🌈 A dip in faith, baptized in grace – a journey to embrace. 🕊️
  18. 🙌 From the font of love, baptized into grace. Radiant and reborn. ⛪
  19. 🌊 Baptized by faith, anchored in love. A soul’s beautiful voyage. 🌟
  20. 🌈 Immersed in the divine, baptized in joy. A sacred celebration. 🕊️
  21. 🙌 A sprinkle of blessings, baptized in grace. A soul’s embrace. ⛪
  22. 🌟 Baptized and blessed, a chapter of faith unveiled. 🌈
  23. 🌊 Dipped in divine waters, baptized in love’s embrace. 🙏
  24. 🕊️ From baptismal waters, a soul emerges reborn. Blessed journey ahead. 🌟
  25. 🌈 Immersed in grace, baptized in love. A divine celebration begins. 🕊️

Catholic Baptism Instagram Captions:

  • Embracing faith with open hearts and pure souls.
  • Blessed in the sacrament of baptism, a journey of divine grace begins.
  • United in Christ’s love through the waters of rebirth.
  • A moment of grace, a lifetime of faith.
  • God’s love poured into our hearts through the sacred waters of baptism.
  • Rejoicing in the Catholic sacrament of new beginnings.
  • Wrapped in the love of God, baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • In the embrace of faith, we find eternal joy.
  • A Catholic soul baptized with love and adorned in grace.
  • Cherishing the sacred ritual that binds us to the Catholic family of believers.
  • Cleansed by water, renewed by the Spirit – a Catholic baptism miracle.
  • Embarking on a spiritual journey guided by the light of Christ.
  • A moment of pure grace captured in the sacrament of baptism.
  • In the arms of faith, we find comfort and everlasting love.
  • Celebrating the divine union in the sacred waters of Catholic baptism.
  • Clothed in righteousness, baptized in the name of the Father.
  • God’s masterpiece, was created anew through the sacrament of baptism.
  • United with the Church, graced by the sacrament of initiation.
  • A Catholic heart forever devoted to the love of Christ.
  • Reborn in faith, baptized in grace – a Catholic soul shines bright.
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Christian Baptism Instagram Captions:

  • Immersed in the river of redemption, emerging as a new creation in Christ.
  • A Christian soul is baptized, a journey of faith and forgiveness begins.
  • Clothed in the righteousness of Christ, we walk in the light of His love.
  • Baptized into Christ, forever transformed by His amazing grace.
  • Celebrating the resurrection of the spirit in the waters of baptism.
  • United with Christ in the sacred covenant of love and salvation.
  • Baptized by faith, guided by grace – a Christian journey unfolds.
  • In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a Christian soul is reborn.
  • Renewed in the living waters of Christ’s eternal love.
  • Baptism: where the old self is buried and the new self is raised in Christ.
  • Walking in the footsteps of Jesus, baptized in His boundless love.
  • Baptismal waters wash away sins, leaving behind a pure and forgiven heart.
  • Cloaked in the armor of faith, a Christian soldier arises from the waters of baptism.
  • A Christian heart forever anchored in the love of the Savior.
  • Immersed in the divine embrace, baptized into the family of Christ.
  • A Christian journey begins, marked by the waters of rebirth and renewal.
  • Baptized by faith, guided by grace – a Christian soul’s beautiful embrace.
  • Celebrating the joyous union with Christ in the sacrament of baptism.
  • Embracing the path of righteousness, baptized in the love of the Redeemer.
  • Baptized into the family of believers, a Christian soul shines with divine light.
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Baptism Instagram Captions Funny:

  • Wet hair, don’t care – just got baptized!
  • Holy water does wonders for the complexion, just saying!
  • Splish splash, I was takin’ a spiritual bath!
  • Baptism: where water meets the soul and the hair meets chaos.
  • Blessed with grace, cursed with bedhead – post-baptism struggles!
  • Holy water: the ultimate hair gel for the spiritually adventurous.
  • Dunked, redeemed, and ready for the post-baptism snack table.
  • When life gives you holy water, make a splash in faith!
  • Baptism: the only time it’s socially acceptable to dunk someone fully clothed.
  • Making waves in the spiritual pool – baptized and buoyant!
  • Dripping in grace and maybe a little holy water too!
  • Baptism checklist: Wet ✔ Redeemed ✔ Ready for cake ✔
  • When your baptism outfit is on point but your hair has a mind of its own.
  • Soaking in grace and accidentally splashing everyone around – oops!
  • Baptized and blessed, but can someone pass me a towel?
  • Holy water: not just for blessings, but also great for impromptu baptisms!
  • The only time it’s acceptable to make a splash in church – baptism day!
  • Baptism: where sins wash away, and laughter bubbles up!
  • Water you doing? Just getting baptized and making a holy spectacle!
  • Post-baptism glow-up: wet hair, radiant soul, and a sprinkle of divine joy!
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Baptism Instagram Captions for Girls:

  • Little princess, baptized in love and adorned in grace.
  • A daughter of God, wrapped in the beauty of baptismal grace.
  • Dressed in white, shining in grace – a girl’s baptismal embrace.
  • A tiny heart baptized, blooming in the garden of God’s love.
  • Celebrating the baptism of our precious girl, a gift from above.
  • God’s princess, forever marked by the waters of divine love.
  • Clothed in purity, baptized in joy – our little girl’s big day!
  • A heavenly celebration for our little angel, baptized in grace.
  • In the arms of love, our daughter’s spirit dances in baptismal grace.
  • Baptized in beauty, our little girl’s heart is forever wrapped in God’s embrace.
  • A sprinkle of love, a dash of grace – our daughter’s baptism, a divine embrace.
  • Radiant in white, baptized in the light – our little girl’s sacred journey begins.
  • In the presence of angels, our daughter’s spirit takes flight in baptismal grace.
  • Blessings abound as our little girl is baptized in the arms of God’s love.
  • Clothed in purity, our daughter’s heart dances in the rhythm of God’s grace.
  • A moment of joy, a lifetime of grace – our girl’s baptism, a divine embrace.
  • Celebrating the miracle of our daughter’s baptism, a heavenly symphony of love.
  • Our little flower, baptized in the garden of God’s infinite grace.
  • In the tapestry of faith, our daughter’s baptism is a vibrant, sacred thread.
  • Baptized in love, our daughter shines as a beacon of God’s grace.
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Baptism Instagram Captions for Boy:

  • A little man of faith, baptized in the grace of God’s love.
  • In the waters of baptism, our boy’s journey of faith begins.
  • Clothed in purity, baptized in joy – celebrating our son’s big day!
  • Our young adventurer was baptized in the river of divine blessings.
  • Dressed in white, shining in grace – our boy’s baptismal embrace.
  • A heavenly celebration for our little hero, marked by divine grace.
  • Blessings overflow as our son is baptized in the warmth of God’s love.
  • From this day forward, our boy walks hand in hand with the Savior.
  • In the arms of love, our son’s spirit dances in baptismal grace.
  • Radiant in white, baptized in the light – our little boy’s sacred journey begins.
  • Our little warrior, baptized in the armor of faith and the light of love.
  • Celebrating the baptism of our brave boy, a gift from above.
  • Clothed in purity, baptized in joy – our little boy’s big day!
  • A moment of joy, a lifetime of grace – our boy’s baptism, a divine embrace.
  • Blessings abound as our little boy is baptized in the arms of God’s love.
  • In the tapestry of faith, our son’s baptism is a vibrant, sacred thread.
  • Baptized in courage, our little boy’s heart is forever wrapped in God’s embrace.
  • Our little knight, baptized in the armor of God’s infinite grace.
  • A sprinkle of love, a dash of grace – our son’s baptism, a divine embrace.
  • Baptized in love, our son shines as a beacon of God’s grace.
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Baptism Instagram Captions for Baby Boy:

  • Tiny toes dipped in holy water, our baby boy embraced by God’s love.
  • Welcoming our little miracle into the family of believers through baptism.
  • Baptized in joy, our baby boy’s heart dances in the rhythm of love.
  • Celebrating the blessing of new life with our precious baby boy.
  • Wrapped in purity, baptized in innocence – our baby boy’s sacred day!
  • In the gentle waves of baptism, our baby boy’s spirit takes flight.
  • Tiny hands, big blessings – commemorating our baby boy’s baptism.
  • Showered with divine grace, our little one embarks on a faith-filled journey.
  • From this moment on, our baby boy is cradled in the arms of God’s love.
  • Baptized in the sweet waters of grace, our baby boy shines with joy.
  • Little feet stepping into a world of faith, baptized and beloved.
  • In the sacred embrace of baptism, our baby boy is surrounded by love.
  • A tiny heart baptized, blooming in the garden of God’s grace.
  • Blessings abound as our baby boy is baptized in the arms of family and faith.
  • Pure as the waters that baptized him, our baby boy radiates love.
  • Clothed in the innocence of baptism, our little one is pure joy.
  • Baptized and blessed, our baby boy shines in the light of God’s love.
  • Celebrating the miracle of our son’s baptism, a heavenly symphony of love.
  • In the tapestry of faith, our baby boy’s baptism is a precious thread.
  • Baptized in love, our little one becomes a beacon of God’s grace.
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Short Baptism Captions for Instagram:

  • Baptized and blessed.
  • Pure grace, pure love.
  • New life in Christ.
  • Holy waters, sacred heart.
  • In the embrace of faith.
  • Baptismal joy!
  • Drenched in grace.
  • Faith’s new beginning.
  • Redeemed and renewed.
  • A moment of grace.
  • Clothed in righteousness.
  • Baptized in love.
  • Sacred transformation.
  • Water and spirit.
  • Pure and precious.
  • Baptized soul.
  • Divine renewal.
  • In the name of love.
  • Washed in grace.
  • Forever His.
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Baptism Captions for Boy:

  • From little toes to baptized soul – our boy’s journey begins.
  • Dressed in white, our little man embarks on a sacred adventure.
  • Baptismal joy in every splash – celebrating our boy’s grace-filled day.
  • In the arms of love, our son is baptized into a world of faith.
  • Little hands, big blessings – our boy, baptized in divine love.
  • Baptized and beloved, our little adventurer takes his first steps in faith.
  • A splash of grace, a lifetime of love – our boy’s baptismal embrace.
  • From this day forward, our son walks in the light of God’s love.
  • Wrapped in purity, baptized in joy – our boy’s heart is forever His.
  • Celebrating our little hero’s baptism, a moment of grace and growth.
  • In the waters of faith, our son’s spirit dances with divine joy.
  • Tiny feet on a journey of faith – our boy baptized and blessed.
  • Clothed in grace, our little one shines in the glow of baptism.
  • Baptized in love, our son’s heart beats in rhythm with God’s grace.
  • A moment of joy, a lifetime of blessings – our boy’s baptismal day.
  • From the font to eternity, our son’s journey in faith begins.
  • In the arms of God, our boy’s soul is baptized in pure love.
  • Blessings abound as our son is immersed in the grace of baptism.
  • Radiant in white, our little knight embarks on a sacred quest of love.
  • Baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – our boy, forever blessed.
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Biblical Quotes Captions:

  • “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” (Acts 2:38)
  • “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called.” (Ephesians 4:4)
  • “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (Galatians 3:27)
  • “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” (Romans 6:4)
  • “And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized, and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” (Acts 22:16)
  • “For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” (Galatians 3:26-27)
  • “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16:16)
  • “And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)
  • “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)
  • “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?” (Romans 6:3)
  • “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)
  • “And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” (Acts 8:36)
  • “Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 3:21)
  • “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
  • “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:3-4)
  • “And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.” (Acts 8:38)
  • “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)
  • “And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)
  • “Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” (Acts 10:47)
  • “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death.” (Romans 6:4)
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Joyful Occasion Captions:

  • What a blessing to witness this joyous occasion!
  • So grateful we could share in this special milestone.
  • Our hearts are full seeing this wonderful moment!
  • Overflowing with joy on your spiritual journey.
  • This day will always hold a special place in our hearts.
  • Celebrating the beauty of God’s love and blessings.
  • Honored to see your commitment and faith.
  • Praise God for bringing us together to rejoice.
  • Feeling blessed to gather and see this miracle unfold.
  • What an honor to stand by you on this incredible day.
  • The Lord is shining bright through your beaming smile today!
  • Can’t contain my excitement for this new phase of your life!
  • Hallelujah! Today, your faith is made new in the waters of baptism.
  • Feeling so blessed to witness you being born again in Christ.
  • Jesus is smiling down as you take this next step in faith.
  • Tears of joy today as we celebrate you!
  • Our hearts are so full watching you profess your faith.
  • This is such a precious moment for everyone gathered here today.
  • We’re smiling ear to ear as we celebrate this milestone with you!
  • Our cup runneth over with love on this beautiful baptism day!
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Blessings and Guidance Captions:

  • May God’s light guide your path as you start this next chapter.
  • Go forward with faith, courage, and an open heart.
  • This is just the beginning of an incredible spiritual journey.
  • Grow in wisdom and grace as you walk with the Lord.
  • Let God’s love shine through you and bless others.
  • We’re praying His light illuminates the unique purpose He has for you.
  • Stay anchored in hope through any storms you encounter.
  • Listen for God’s gentle guidance with each new sunrise.
  • Let this day mark the start of a lifelong friendship with Christ.
  • May His love give you strength to weather all seasons ahead.
  • Keep following God’s light and spreading joy wherever you go.
  • Our prayer is that you feel God’s hand on your shoulder as you take this next step.
  • May the road rise up to meet you as you embark on this new journey of faith!
  • God bless you as you begin this new chapter hand in hand with Him.
  • Grow closer to God each day as you walk in faith and His love.
  • May you feel God’s glow in your heart through every triumph and trial.
  • Our prayer is that you feel Christ’s light guiding your way as you move forward.
  • May blessings flow and His grace abound as you begin this sacred journey.
  • Go with God into this new dawn, renewed and full of hope for the future!
  • Our hearts beam with joy for the path the Lord has set you on today!
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New Beginnings Captions:

  • A clean slate, a fresh start, a new chapter begins!
  • Out with the old, in with the new – hallelujah!
  • First day of the rest of your life! Let your light shine.
  • Cheers to new beginnings on your faith journey!
  • Your best life begins today. Embrace this milestone.
  • Born again and ready for the next adventure!
  • Turning over a new leaf and excited for the future.
  • Ready for the transformation to begin – let’s do this!
  • Your story is still yours to write. Make it a good one!
  • Baptized and blessed. The possibilities are endless now!
  • Wave goodbye to yesterday and start fresh from here!
  • Out with the old, in with the renewed you. Let’s celebrate!
  • All things are new. All things are bright. Let your faith lead the way.
  • Washed clean of the past. Hopeful for the future.
  • Ringing in this milestone and all that’s to come!
  • Cheers to new mercies and endless possibilities!
  • A dip in the water, a cleansing of spirit – here’s to new beginnings.
  • The best is yet to come. Let your light shine bright!
  • Hallelujah! God is doing a new thing in you.
  • Born again. Faith renewed. Hope for the future.
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Funny and Witty Captions:

  • New phone, who dis? Just kidding – I’m still me, just baptized!
  • Baptism? Completed it, mate!
  • I came. I saw. I got baptized.
  • One small step for man, one giant leap of faith!
  • Now 100% holier than thou ;).
  • Baptized AF
  • I prayed for blessings, but I got dunked instead!
  • Just took a holy bath, don’t mind me!
  • Holier than thou, wetter than you!
  • Drenched in faith and ready to party!
  • The last one in the water’s a rotten egg!
  • I just went from eggy to saint real quick!
  • Took the polar bear plunge for Jesus!
  • I put the drip in discipline.
  • Parted the holy water like it was the Red Sea!
  • Just blessed these ‘grams and getting lit for the Lord.
  • Came through drippin’ for Jesus!
  • Channeling my inner saint…minus the halo!
  • Dunked and done – let’s get this bread (of Christ)!
  • They baptized me in hot water, ’cause I’m steamin’ for Jesus!
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Baptism is an important milestone in the faith journey that should be celebrated and remembered. However, thinking of the perfect Instagram caption for your baptism photos can be difficult.

With this list of 250+ baptism Instagram captions, you can now easily find the ideal caption to commemorate the occasion online. Whether you want something short and sweet, biblical, or touching, there are captions suitable for any baptism photo.

So go ahead and pick your favorite to bless your Instagram feed! Remember to tag the location and event hashtags too. We hope these baptism Instagram captions inspire you, uplift your faith, and allow you to share God’s blessings with others.

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